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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2020-05-05Procedure Calls in 8086 Assembly Language ProgrammingKumar, Akshay
2020-07-07Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)Kumar, Akshay
2020-06-14Memory Management in Operating SystemSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-06-13Normalisation in a Database SystemKumar, Akshay
2020-06-13Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming - An OverviewKumar, Akshay
2020-05-31Exception Heanlding in JavaMishra, M.P.
2020-05-30The Central Processing UnitKumar, Akshay
2020-05-30Interprocess Communication and SynchronizationforSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-24Techniques of Capital BudgetingKumar, Sunil
2020-05-24Process management in Operating SystemsSubrahmanyam, V.V.
2020-05-23Techniques of Capital BudgetingKumar, Sunil
2020-05-23Discussion on 8086 Assembly Language ProgramsKumar, Akshay
2020-05-20Multithreading in JAVAMishra, MP
2020-05-18Operating system and its FunctionSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-16Assembly Language Programming for 8086 MicroprocessorKumar, Akshay
2020-04-25Sequential CircuitsKumar, Akshay
2020-04-20Accounting Standards & PrinciplesKumar, Sunil
2020-04-19Combinational CircuitsKumar, Akshay
2020-04-18Inheritance in JavaMishra, M.P.
2020Control Statements Arrays and Functions in C ProgrammingSubrahmanyam, V. V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 31