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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2017Exercise-22 Hemichordata: Observation and Classification of Specimen Balanoglossus and its Tornaria Larva-
2017Exercise-21 Echinodermata: Observation and Classification of Specimens and Study of One Representative Larva-
2017Exercise-20 The Common Cockroach Periplaneta Americana: External Features, Dissection and Temporary Mounts-
2017Exercise-19 Study of the Fruitfly Drosophila from Mounted Specimen-
2017Exercise-18 Preparation of Permanent Mounts of Month-Parts of Cockroach and Mosquito-
2017Exercise-17 Arthropoda-V: Life History Stages of Anopheles, Culex and Aedes Mosquitoes from Permanent Slides-
2017Exercise-16 Arthropoda-IV: Two Social Insects - Honey Bee and Termite from Wet Preserved or Dry Mounted Specimens-
2017Exercise-15 Arthropoda-III (Insecta) : Observation and Classification of Specimens-
2017Exercise-14 Arthropoda-II Subphylum Uniramia - Classes Chilopoda and Pauropoda and Phylum Onychophora-
2017Exercise-13 Arthropoda-I: Chelicerata and Crustacea: Observation and Classification of Specimens and Study of Nauplius Larva-
2017Exercise-12 Nematoda: Observation and Classification of Specimens and Microscopic Study of Sections of Ascaris-
2017Exercise-11 Platyhelminthes: Larval Stages of Fasciola Hepatica and Taenia Solium-
2017Exercise-10 Platyhelminthes: Observation and Classification of Specimens and Microscopic Study of their Sections.-
2017Exercise-9 Mollusca-II: External Features, Dissection and Preparation of Temporary Mount of Radula-
2017Exercise-8 Mollusca-I: Observation and Classification of Specimens-
2017Exercise-7 Pheretima Posthuma: External Features, Dissection and Temporary Mounts-
2017Exercise-6 Annelida: Observation and Classification of Specimens-
2017Exercise-5 Cnidaria: Observation and Classification of Specimens-
2017Exercise-4 Porifera-II: Making of Temporary Mounts-
2017Exercise-3 Porifera-I: Observation and Classification of Specimens-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22


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