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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2017Experiment-21 Preparation of Face Cream-
2017Experiment-20 Preparation of Nylon 66 - A Condensation Polymer-
2017Experiment-19 Preparation and Use of Methyl Orange - An Azo Dye-
2017Experiment-18 Preparation of Aspirin and Analysis of a Commercial Sample of Aspirin-
2017Experiment-17 Estimation of Copper and Nickel in a Mixture by Gravimetry-
2017Experiment-16 Estimation of Cu and Zn in a Mixture by Gravimetry-
2017Experiment-15 Estimation of Magnesium and Calcium in a Mixture by Complexometry-
2017Experiment-14 Analysis of Oils and Fats-
2017Experiment-13 Estimation of Formaldehyde-
2017Experiment-12 Estimation of Amino Acids-
2017Experiment-11 Estimation of Sugars-
2017Experiment-10 Estimation of Phenols-
2017Experiment-9 Estimation of Amino Groups-
2017Experiment-8 Column Chromatographic Separation and Estimation of Inorganic Substances-
2017Experiment-7 Column Chromatographic Separation of Pigments from Green Leaves-
2017Experiment-6 Thin Layer Chromatographic Seperation and Identification of Amino Acids-
2017Experiment-5 Paper Chromatographic Seperation and Identification of Sugars-
2017Experiment-4 Paper Chromatographic Seperation and Identification of Metal Iron-
2017Experiment-3 Extraction of Caffine from Tea Leaves-
2017Experiment-2 Seperation of a Mixture of P-Toluidine and Naphthalene by Solvent Extraction and Identification of their Functional Groups-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21


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