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Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2017-04-11Unit-6 Some Instructional Strategies for Improved Learning From Distance Teaching MaterialsJenkins, Janet; Railey, Judith; Koul, B.N.; Tight, Malcom; Gagne, Robert M.; Marland, P. W.
2017-04-11Unit-8 The Development of Distance Teaching: An Historical PerspectiveJenkins, Janet; Rumble, Greville; Murugan, K.; Koul, B.N.; Dodds, Tony; Peters, Otto; Perraton, Hillary
2017-04-11Unit-7 Guided Didactic Conversation in Distance EducationJenkins, Janet; Rumble, Greville; Murugan, K.; Koul, B.N.; Dodds, Tony; Peters, Otto; Perraton, Hillary
2017-04-11Unit-2 Instruction and the Individual LearnerJenkins, Janet; Riley, Judith; Koul, B.N.; Tight, Malcom; Gagne, Robert M.; Marland, P W
2017-03-11Unit-4 Do We Really Need Course Team?Jenkins, Janet; Railey, Judith; Koul, B.N.; Tight, Malcom; Gagne, Robert M.; Marland, P. W.
2017-04-11Unit-3 Some Key Features of Course ProductionJenkins, Janet; Railey, Judith; Koul, B.N.; Tight, Malcom; Gagne, Robert M.; Marland, P. W.
2017-04-11Unit-9 Characteristics of Distance EducationJenkins, Janet; Rumble, Greville; Murugan, K.; Koul, B.N.; Dodds, Tony; Peters, Otto; Perraton, Hillary
2017-04-11Unit-10 The Zimbabwe Integrated National Teacher EducationJenkins, Janet; Rumble, Greville; Murugan, K.; Koul, B.N.; Dodds, Tony; Peters, Otto; Perraton, Hillary
2017-04-11Unit-4 The Scope of Distance TeachingJenkins, Janet; Rumble, Greville; Murugan, K.; Koul, B.N.; Dodds, Tony; Peters, Otto; Perraton, Hillary
2017-04-11Unit-1 General IntroductionJenkins, Janet; Riley, Judith; Koul, B.N.; Tight, Malcom; Gagne, Robert M.; Marland, P. W.