Browsing by Contributor Subrahmanyam, V. V.

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Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2021Block-1 Introduction to Operating Systems and Process ManagementSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2021Block-1 Professional Skills Needed at the Workplace-IChawla, Jagtar; Shankar, Vijaya; Dogra, Deepa; A., Malathy; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2023Block-2 ETL, Olap And TrendsSwathi, K.; Singh, Archana; Kachh, Archana Rajendra; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2021Block-2 Memory Management, File Management and SecuritySubrahmanyam, V. V.
2021Block-2 Professional Skills Needed at the Workplace-IIGupta, Anju Sahgal; A., Malathy; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2021Block-3 Advanced Topics in Operating SystemsSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2023Block-3 Data Mining Fundamentals and Frequent Pattern MiningDas, Debashreet; Nagaprasad, S.; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2021Block-4 Case StudiesBisht, Jyoti; Swathi, K.; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2023Block-4 Classification Clustering and Web MiningNagaprasad, S.; Singh, Archana; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2020Control Statements Arrays and Functions in C ProgrammingSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-09File Handling in C ProgrammingSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-30Interprocess Communication and SynchronizationforSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2021MCSL-204 Windows and Linux LabSwathi, K.; Subrahmanyam, V. V.
2021MCSL-205 C and Python LabSubrahmanyam, V. V.; Sharma, Sudhansh
2021MCSL-223 Computer Networks and Data Mining LabSwathi, K.; Kumar, Manish; Subrahmanyam, V. V.; Kumar, Akshay
2022MCSL-229 Cloud and Data Science LabK., Swathi.; Subrahmanyam, V. V.; Kumar, Akshay
2020-06-14Memory Management in Operating SystemSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-04-05Online InitiativeSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-18Operating system and its FunctionSubrahmanyam, V. V.
2020-05-02Pointers in C ProgrammingSubrahmanyam, V. V.