Browsing by Contributor Sood, Neerja

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2019-08-07Bioethics Programme through Open and Distance Learning Mode using ICT Aids: An Innovative DesignArora, S.B.; Sood, Neerja; Das, Moumita; Parhar, Madhu
2023Block-2 Gender, Health and illnessChugani, Manju; Sood, Neerja; Dhal, Sunita; Singh, Savita
2023Block-3 Issues in Reproductive HealthSood, Neerja; Chugani, Manju; Dhal, Sunita; Singh, Savita
2017Block-4 Components of Basic Care-IISubbiah, Nanthini; Ranjit Kaur; Chakravarti, Pushpita; Sood, Neerja
2021Block-4 Gender, Health, Nutrition and Food SecurityShah, Sachi; Ramanan, V. Venkat; K.Bijli, Heena; Sood, Neerja; Uma, G.
2023Block-4 Perspectives on Mental HealthMeenu Anana; Sood, Neerja; Patra, Swati; Dhal, Sunita; Singh, Savita
2017Practical Manual-IIRanjit Kaur; Agarwal, Meena; Subbiah, Nanthini; Devi, Reeta; Mahashewata; Kapoor, Bimla; Sood, Neerja; Kumar, Annie
2017Skill-15 Assist the Patient in AmbulationSood, Neerja
2023Unit-11 History of Gender Specific Mental Health DisordersSood, Neerja
2021Unit-13 Gender and HealthSood, Neerja
2017Unit-3 Monitoring and Follow UpSood, Neerja
2023Unit-4 Women Specific illnessesChugani, Manju; Sood, Neerja
2023Unit-5 Immunisation & VaccinesSood, Neerja
2023Unit-6 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)Sood, Neerja
2023Unit-7 Health issues in AdolescenceSood, Neerja
2023Unit-8 Assisted Reproductive Technology and SurrogacySood, Neerja
2023Unit-9 Menarche and MenopauseChugani, Manju; Sood, Neerja