Browsing by Contributor Nafey, Abdul

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2021Block-1 IntroductionBagai, Mithila; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-1 Studying International RelationsYadav, R. S.; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-2 ApproachesRabidas, Ujjwal; Varghese, Roshan; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-2 Historical PerspectivesChakravarty, S. R.; Patnaik, Ajay; Gupta, Alok Kumar; Khanna, V. N.; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-3 Developments in International RelationsRabidas, Ujjwal; Gadde, Om Prasad; Pathak, Sumit Kumar; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-3 Theoretical PerspectivesSharma, Raj Kumar; Halder, Avipsu; Chandra, Vikash; Fareedi, Gazala; Lama, Jigme Yeshe; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-4 Contemporary International RelationsRai, Sanchi; Gupta, Alok Kumar; Vijapur, Abdulrahim P.; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Block-4 International organisationsP., Abdulrahim; Kumar, Satish; Kadloor, Savitri; Nafey, Abdul; Gopal, Darvesh
2021Unit-1 Understanding International RelationsYadav, R. S.; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-1 Understanding International RelationsBagai, Mithila; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-10 Emerging Centers of PowerGadde, Om Prasad; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-10 Feminist PerspectivesFareedi, Gazala; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-11 Eurocentrism and Perspectives from he Global SouthLama, Jigme Yeshe; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-11 GlobalizationPathak, Sumit Kumar; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-12 Cold War: Different PhasesRai, Sanchi; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-12 Role and Functions of the United NationsP., Abdulrahim; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-13 Anti Colonial Movements and DecolonisationRai, Sanchi; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-13 International Economic organizationsKumar, Satish; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-14 End of the Cold War: Emergence of Global Order/DisorderGupta, Alok Kumar; Nafey, Abdul
2021Unit-14 Regionalism and new RegionalismKadloor, Savitri; Nafey, Abdul