Browsing by Contributor Malhotra, Charru

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Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2021Block-1 Basics of E-commerceMalhotra, Charru; Kesharwani, Subodh
2022Block-1 Smart Cities: Digital TransformationsMalhotra, Charru; K. T. Mannan; N. Venkateshwarlu
2022Block-2 Smart HealthMalhotra, Charru; K. T. Mannan; N. Venkateshwarlu
2022Block-3 Smart EducationMalhotra, Charru; K. T. Mannan; N. Venkateshwarlu
2022Block-4 Rural Local GovernmentChowdhry, Sachin; Singh, Swinder; Malhotra, Charru; Nandini, Durgesh
2022Block-4 Smart GovernanceMalhotra, Charru; N. Venkateshwarlu; K. T. Mannan
2022Block-5 Cyber Security Concerns with Emerging TechnologiesMalhotra, Charru; K. T. Mannan; N. Venkateshwarlu
2022Block-5 Urban Local Governance: Innovative Practices, Challenges and Way ForwardMalhotra, Charru; Singh, Swinder; Nandini, Durgesh
2022Unit-1 Digitization of CitiesMalhotra, Charru
2021Unit-1 Introduction to E-commerceMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-10 E-Governance practice in Service Delivery of Rural Local GovernmentMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-10 Global and National Best Practices in Smart EducationMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-11 Basics of Smart GovernanceMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-12 Industry 4.0 and Smart Governance PracticesMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-13 E-Governance Practice in Service Delivery of Urban Local Government: Case StudiesMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-13 Evolution and Challenges of Smart GovernanceMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-14 Basics of Cyber Security, Types of Cyber Crimes and SafetyMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-15 Legal & Regulatory ProvisionsMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-16 New and Emerging TechnologiesMalhotra, Charru
2022Unit-2 Digitization and Smart BuildingsMalhotra, Charru