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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2023Block-1 Fundamentals of CartographyPrasad, Ramashay; Thakur, Rameshwar; Kumar, Krishna; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Warpa, Vishal
2024Block-1 Fundamentals of Economic GeographyWarpa, Vishal; Kumar, Krishna
2023Block-1 Fundamentals of GeomorphologyPanda, G.K.; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Kumar, Krishna
2023Block-1 Understanding GeographyKumar, Krishna; Baraik, Vijay Kumar
2023Block-2 Evolution of LandformsPatnaik, S.K.; Chand, Pritam; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Kumar, Krishna
2024Block-2 Stages of Growth and Evolution of Economic Systems and SectorsWarpa, Vishal; Kumar, Krishna
2021Block-3 Fiscal and Monetary PolicyKumar, Krishna; Barik, Kaustuva
2023Block-3 Geomorphic Processes: Static and Dynamic-IMishra, Manoranjan; Patnaik, S.K.; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Kumar, Krishna
2024Block-3 Space Economy of Rural and Urban Systems with Reference to IndiaWarpa, Vishal; Kumar, Krishna
2023Block-4 Geomorphic Processes: Static and Dynamic-IIChauhan, Alok; Deswal, Sanjay; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Kumar, Krishna
2022Block-4 Secondary SectorKumar, Krishna; Sarfaraz Alam; Patra, Punyatoya; Warpa, Vishal
2024Block-4 Space Economy of International SystemsWarpa, Vishal; Kumar, Krishna
2023Block-5 Applied GeomorphologyPatnaik, S.K.; Gupta, Archana; Padmaja, S.; Rao, Koppisetti Nageswara; Kumar, Krishna
2024Block-5 Contemporary Developments in Economic GeographyWarpa, Vishal; Kumar, Krishna
2021Unit-10 Monetary PolicyBarik, Kaustuva; Kumar, Krishna
2022Unit-13 Industry and ManufacturingKumar, Krishna
2022Unit-15 Mineral and Energy Based IndustriesKumar, Krishna
2023Unit-17 Landforms and Environment ManagementKumar, Krishna
2023Unit-2 Perspectives of GeographyKumar, Krishna
2023Unit-4 Development TrendsKumar, Krishna