Browsing by Contributor Johry, Geetika S

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2023Block-1 CSR Perspective in the Indian ContextVarghese, Nisha; Johry, Geetika S
2024Block-1 Foundation of IPRJohry, Geetika S; Johry, Geetika S
2023Block-2 Planning of CSR ProgrammeJohry, Geetika S
2024Block-3 Industrial DesignHemant; Johry, Geetika S
2023Block-3 Thematic Areas for CSR Project-ITamang, Prashanti; Varghese, Nisha; Johry, Geetika S
2023Block-4 Thematic Areas for CSR Project-IITamang, Prashanti; Johry, Geetika S
2024Block-4 TrademarksSrivastava, Suneet K.; Johry, Geetika S
2024Block-5 Domain Names, Trade Secrets and Management of IPRParmar, DPS; Johry, Geetika S
2023Block-5 Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation of CSR ProgrammesVarghese, Nisha; Johry, Geetika S
2023Unit-1 CSR Programme PlanningJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-1 CSR Project Formulation & ManagementJohry, Geetika S
2024Unit-2 History and Evolution of IPRJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-2 Stakeholders Engagement and ParticipationJohry, Geetika S
2024Unit-3 Copyright and Related RightsJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Policy and Rule related GuidelinesJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-3 Monitoring of CSR Projects/ ProgramsJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-3 Use of Participatory MethodJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-4 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Implementation AgenciesJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-4 CSR audit & Social auditJohry, Geetika S
2023Unit-5 Evaluation of CSR Projects/ ProgramsJohry, Geetika S