Browsing by Contributor Dandekar, Ajay

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2024Block-1 IntroductionDandekar, Ajay; Verma, Supriya; Menon, Jaya; Mahurkar, Ajay
2006Block-1 IntroductoryDandekar, Ajay; Verma, Supriya; Menon, Jaya; Mahurkar, Ajay
2024Block-3 Early Historic Societies: 6th Century B.C. to 4th Century A.D.Dandekar, Ajay; Kumar, Selva; Panda, Swayam; Mahurkar, Ajay
2006Block-3 Early Historic Societies: 6th Century-4th Century A.DDandekar, Ajay; Kumar, Selva; Panda, Swayam; Mahurkar, Ajay
2006Block-4 Early Medieval SocietiesDandekar, Ajay; Mahurkar, Ajay
2024Block-4 Early Medieval SocietiesDandekar, Ajay; Mahurkar, Ajay
2023MHI-101 Ancient and Medieval SocietiesBasant, P. K.; Ratnagar, Shirin; Farooqui, Amar; D. Manjit; Dandekar, Ajay; Malik, G. R.; Kidwai, Saleem; Thampi, Madhavi; Mukhia, Harbans; Kar, Bodhisattva; Chaudhury, Sushil; Basra, Amit Kaur; Sri Krishna; Sinha, Arvind; Basu, Swaraj
2006Unit-1 Reconstructing Ancient Society with Special Reference to SourcesDandekar, Ajay
2024Unit-1 Reconstructing Ancient Society with Special Reference to SourcesDandekar, Ajay
2006Unit-12 Transition to Early Medieval SocietiesDandekar, Ajay
2024Unit-12 Transition to Early Medieval SocietiesDandekar, Ajay
2006Unit-13 The Problem of Urban Decline: Agrarian Expansion, Land Grants and Growth of IntermediariesDandekar, Ajay
2024Unit-13 The Problem of Urban Decline: Agrarian Expansion, Land Grants and Growth of IntermediariesDandekar, Ajay
2021Unit-14 Developments in religionDandekar, Ajay
2006Unit-14 Proliferation and consolidation of Castes and JatisDandekar, Ajay
2024Unit-14 Proliferation and Consolidation of Castes and JatisDandekar, Ajay
2006Unit-15 Religion in SocietyDandekar, Ajay
2024Unit-15 Religion in SocietyDandekar, Ajay
2020Unit-15 Rise of MagadhaRoy, Kumkum; Dandekar, Ajay; Kapur, Nandini Sinha
2006Unit-8 Urban Classes: Traders and Artisans, Extension of Agricultural SettlementsDandekar, Ajay