Browsing by Contributor Sen, Saugato

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 70 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2022Block-2 Elementary Statistics and SpreadsheetsKhokhar, Amit Singh; Sen, Saugato
2019Block-2 Functions of one independent variableSen, Saugato; Arora, Chetali
2022Block-2 Growth Models: Theory and EvidenceNigam, Puja Saxena; Sen, Saugato
2023Block-2 Modern Theories of International TradeSen, Saugato; Banwari, Vijeta; Tewathia, Nidhi
2024Block-2 Series and Analytical GeometrySen, Saugato; Kumar, Ajit
2022Block-2 Theories of UnderdevelopmentNigam, Puja Saxena; Sen, Saugato
2022Block-3 Deterministic Cash Flow StreamsBagla, Prachi; Sen, Saugato
2019Block-3 DifferentiationChatterjee, Anup; Sen, Saugato; Arora, Chetali
2024Block-3 Discrete MathematicsSen, Saugato; Rai, Jagmohan; Sen, Saugato; Kumar, Ajit
2023Block-3 Free Trade Versus ProtectionismSen, Saugato; Banwari, Vijeta; Tewathia, Nidhi
2022Block-3 Inequality and PovertyTewathia, Nidhi; Sen, Saugato
2022Block-3 Land Labour and Credit MarketsChowdhury, Indrani Roy; Mamta; Sen, Saugato
2020Block-3 Linear AlgebraSen, Saugato
2023Block-4 Exchange Rate and Balance of PaymentsSen, Saugato; Banwari, Vijeta; Tewathia, Nidhi
2022Block-4 Individuals, Communities and Collective outcomesSen, Saugato; Tewathia, Nidhi
2020Block-4 Multivariate OptimisationSharma, S.P.; Sen, Saugato
2022Block-4 Political Institutions and the Functioning of the StateSen, Saugato
2022Block-4 Single-Period Random Cash FlowsJain, Vaishali; Sabherwal, Karan; Sen, Saugato
2019Block-4 Single-variable optimisationSen, Saugato; Arora, Chetali
2022Block-5 Asset PricingSabherwal, Karan; Sen, Saugato