Browsing by Contributor Mishra, Meenal

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Showing results 37 to 56 of 65 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2020-08MetamorphismDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Pant, N. C.
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on State of Aggregation-Specific Gravity and SenseDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Shrivastava, J.P.
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on State of Aggregation : Hardness and TenacityShrivastava, J.P.; Dubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on ForcesDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Shrivastava, J.P.
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on LightDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Shrivastava, J.P.
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on State of Aggregation : Cleavage, Striations and FractureDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Shrivastava, J.P.
2021-05-18Physical Properties of Minerals Depending on State of Aggregation : Form and HabitDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Shrivastava, J.P.
2020-08Types of MetamorphismDubey, Amitosh; Mishra, Meenal; Pant, N. C
2023Unit-1 Introduction to Navigation Satellite SystemS. Thirumaran; Mishra, Meenal
2020Unit-1 Introduction to PetrologyMishra, Meenal
2023Unit-10 Elements of Visual Interpretation and Interpretation KeysMishra, Meenal
2023Unit-14 Introduction to Vector Data AnalysisKumar, Arun; Mishra, Meenal
2023Unit-15 Introduction to Raster Data AnalysisKumar, Arun; Mishra, Meenal
2024Unit-18 Archaeological ApplicationsMishra, Meenal
2023Unit-2 Navigation Satellite ProgrammesS. Thirumaran; Mishra, Meenal
2020Unit-2 Textures and Structures of Igneous RocksMishra, Meenal
2020Unit-3 Classification of Igneous RocksMishra, Meenal
2024Unit-3 Remote Sensing of Soils, Minerals and RocksV. Sivakumar; Mishra, Meenal; Chatterjee, Sourish
2020Unit-4 Concept of MagmaMishra, Meenal
2020Unit-4 Precambrian of IndiaMishra, Meenal