Browsing by Contributor Kumar, K. Anil

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 58 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2022Block-3 Problems of Development and ChangeRao, K. Koteswara; Srinivas, B. K.; Eswarappa, Kasi; Kumar, K. Anil
2021Block-4 Contemporary IssuesBehera, Hari Charan; Rao, K. Koteswara; Maharana, Khirod; Kumar, K. Anil
2022Block-4 Contributions of Indian AnthropologistsJaiswal, Ajeet; Thamminaina, Apparao; Sarveswar, Sipoy; Kumar, K. Anil
2021Block-4 Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Resource ManagementMishra, Nihar Ranjan; Chandra, Anjuli; Behera, Hari Charan; Kumar, K. Anil; Venkatramana, P.
2022Block-4 Problems, Development Programme and Constitutional SafeguardsRao, K. Koteswara; Sahal, Kalyani; Eswarappa, Kasi; Kumar, K. Anil
2020Block-4 Research Methods and TechniquesKumar, K. Anil; Zaman, Rukshana
2018Block-5 Development Policies, Environmental Impact And Collective ActionKumar, K. Anil; Panigrahi, Nilakantha
2011Block-5 Statistical AnalysisGarg, Neha; Kaliraman, Rajesh; Naidu, G.S.; Das, Mitoo; Kumar, K. Anil
2022Block-6 Provisions and Policies for Tribes in IndiaSastry, V.N.V.K.; Madhuri, N.V.; Kumar, K. Anil; Zaman, Rukshana
2022Practical ManualKumar, K. Anil
2022Practical ManualKumar, K. Anil
2023Programme Guide (MAAN)Sinha, Rashmi; Rukshana Zaman; P. Venkatramana; Das, Mitoo; Kumar, K. Anil
2018Unit -1 development projects and Displacement in indiaKumar, K. Anil
2021Unit-1 Concept of TribeKumar, K. Anil
2021Unit-1 Concept, Meaning and DefinitionKumar, K. Anil
2020Unit-1 Definition, Scope and Significance of AnthropologyKhattri, Prashant; Kumar, K. Anil
2018Unit-1 History And Development Of Environmental AnthropologyKumar, K. Anil
2018Unit-1 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge Systems And DevelopmentKumar, K. Anil
2020Unit-10 Approaches of Anthropological ResearchKumar, K. Anil
2020Unit-11 Methods, Tools, and TechniquesZaman, Rukshana; Kumar, K. Anil