Browsing by Contributor Kaur, Gurmeet

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 67 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2022Block-3 Television JournalismDas, Sunil Kumar; Agarwal, Dheeraj Kumar; Kaur, Gurmeet; Kumar, Amit
2023Block-3 Violence against CollectivesSophy K.J.; Singh, Rakesh Kumar; Dyahadroy, Swati; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2023Block-3 Women's Political Representation and ParticipationSanil M.Neelakandan; Ramakrishnan, Anitha; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2023Block-3 தகவல் தொடர்பான சட்டங்கள்Singh, Sukriti; Kaur, Gurmeet; K. S. Arul
2018Block-4 Consumer Protection Legislations and Redressal Mechanism Under Consumer Protection Act, 1986Kaur, Gurmeet; K.Elumalai; Sandhu, Komal
2023Block-4 Impact of Developmental PoliciesPathak, Sumit Kumar; Singh, Rakesh Kumar; K.J., Sophy; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2021Block-4 Natural HazardsKaur, Gurmeet; Bhateria, Rachna; Baskar, Sushmitha
2023Block-4 Violence against LGBTIQI+ PeopleRohi, Abhijit; Karollil, Mamatha; Nigam, Shalu; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2023Block-5 Health LawBorah, Poonam Kakoti; Bora, Debajanee; Singh, Rakesh Kumar; Nigam, Shalu; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2023Block-5 Women and Justice SystemKrishnadas, Gagan; Sanil M.Neelakandan; Gole, Sneha; Patil, Smita M.; Kaur, Gurmeet
2019Unit-1 Automobile Industry and Paint IndustryKaur, Gurmeet
2021Unit-1 Basics of Ore GeologyKaur, Gurmeet; Prashanth, M.
2017-04-10Unit-1 Evolution and Growth of ICTMahapatra, Narayan; Sahu, Nandni; Nanda, Sambit; Kaur, Gurmeet; Prahar, Madhu
2021Unit-1 Origin and Formation of the EarthKaur, Gurmeet
2023Unit-10 தொலைக்காட்சி செய்தி வழங்கும் நுட்பங்கள்Kumar, Amit; Kaur, Gurmeet
2020Unit-10 Presentation techniquesKumar, Amit; Kaur, Gurmeet
2017-04-10Unit-10 The Regulability of CyberspaceKaur, Gurmeet; Ms., Malathy; Puneeth, P.; Prahar, Madhu
2023Unit-11 இணையதளச் சட்டம்Kaur, Gurmeet
2020Unit-11 Cyber LawKaur, Gurmeet
2017-04-10Unit-11 E-GovernanceKaur, Gurmeet; Ms., Malathy; Puneeth, P.; Prahar, Madhu; Srivastava, Pawan Kumar