Browsing by Contributor Dhameja, Alka

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Issue DateTitleContributor(s)
2021Block-1 Concept of Sustainable DevelopmentSapru, R. K.; Mahajan, Anupama Puri; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-1 Conceptual and Classical PerspectivesSharma, Rajvir; Anitha, R; Misra, Sweta; Narula, Vaishali; Dhameja, Alka
2021Block-1 Context of Public PolicySapru, R.K; Sharma, Daisy; Dhameja, Alka
2022Block-1 Governance IssuesMahajan, Anupama Puri; Chopra, Sandhya; Sapru, R.K.; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-1 Indian thinkersShrama, Rajeev; Srivastava, Vijay; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-1 Indian thinkersDhameja, Alka
2024Block-1 IntroductionKohli, Rajive; Uma Medury; Dhameja, Alka
2024Block-1 Introduction to Ecology and EnvironmentBhatt, Anita; Kumar, Mayank; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-2 Behavioural, Systems and Socio-Psychological PerspectivesKanal, Senthamizh A.; Nathan, B. Senthil; Medury, Uma; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-2 Classical thinkersNath, Sanghamitra; Narula, Vaishali; R. Anitha; Kanal, A. Senthamizh; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-2 Classical thinkersDhameja, Alka
2021Block-2 Development, Sustainability and Climate ChangeMitra, Susmita; Ambalam, Kannan; Dhameja, Alka
2024Block-2 Issues and Concerns of EnvironmentGoswami, Ravindra; Dhameja, Alka
2021Block-2 Public Policy and IdeologySapru, R.K; Dhameja, Alka
2024Block-2 Risk Assessment and ReductionUlman Yashmita Nitin; R. Anitha; Sharma, Daisy; Uma Medury; Dhameja, Alka
2022Block-2 Socio-Economic IssuesM, Poornima; Sharma, Daisy; Ambalam, Kannan; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-3 Behavioural and systems thinkersMedury, Uma; Sharma, Daisy; Kanal, A. Senthamizh; Dhameja, Alka
2020Block-3 Behavioural and systems thinkersDhameja, Alka
2024Block-3 Climate ChangeAdve, Nagraj; Dhameja, Alka
2024Block-3 Hazard VulnerabilitySharma, Daisy; Saima Jan; Uma Medury; Dhameja, Alka